Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 6-9 PM
“Art meets Audio!”
Spend an evening at the Genesis Audio showroom to experience audio products that are unlike anything you have ever seen, touched or heard before, this is the Bugatti of audio!
METAXAS & SINS is a company designed and manufactured in house in the Netherlands, using the highest quality materials, consummate craftsmanship and unmatched industrial design to achieve a novel and satisfying audio solution. Capable of 30/15/7.5 IPS tape speed, the Tourbillon is built from scratch, and can accommodate both quarter-inch and half-inch tape.
The Siren is a speaker that despite the unique and unusual shape, the design is a seriously engineered, no-compromise loudspeaker with emphasis on time alignment and absolute sound quality.
PRICE: $128,000 pair
The Tourbillon is a professional reel-to-reel machine that meets and exceeds the highest demands of recording engineers and the most serious audiophiles.
PRICE: $49,000
Optional stand: $9,000
The Solitaire is an integrated amplifier with 150 watts/ch. and machined from solid aluminum alloys. Featuring a sculptured massive CNC machined aluminum chassis and a mil-spec double-sided oxygen-free copper PC board, the Solitaire provides a sight and sound to behold.
PRICE: $40,000
- Give Aways: Three Metaxas & Sins fountain pens / $100 retail each
- Give Aways: 15 Maumee Bay T-Shirts
- Give Aways: 5 Maumee Bay Baseball caps
- Give Aways: 20 Genesis Audio “Hi-Fi Night” event T-shirtsGREAT FOOD & DRINKS!
- Craft beers from Maumee Bay Brewery
- Buckeye Lager
- GlassHopper IPA
- Blitzen Winter Warmer
- Total Eclipse Breakfast Stout
- New York City style sandwiches
- Hors d’oeuvres / Cheese traysIf music, art, design, engineering and build quality matter to you, come and witness something special, something that communicates sonically and… visually.
Let us celebrate those with the courage, ability and vision to color outside the lines.
Wednesday, Nov 20, 2024 for an event you don’t want to miss!